I kicked my husband out of our bed after he refused to clean up vomit

I kicked my husband out of our bed because he refused to clean up his own vomit after throwing up in the sink following a drunken BBQ

  • Alison Logann, from the US, took to Reddit to reveal the details of the marital tiff
  • She said her husband welcomed friends for a gettogether that got out of hand
  • He got drunk and refused to clean up his own vomit before she banished him

A woman has revealed that she banished her husband to sleep in the spare room because he refused to clean up his own vomit following a drunken BBQ.

US-based Alison Logann took to popular Reddit sub-thread Am I The A**hole to reveal the details of the marital tiff.

She said that she had cleaned the house ahead of her husband welcoming friends for a mid-week gettogether – but it appears things soon got out of hand.  

Alison desperately asked: ‘AITA for making my husband sleep in the guest room after he refused to clean up his own vomit??’

US-based Alison Logann took to popular Reddit sub-thread Am I The A**hole to reveal the details of the marital tiff 

She said that she had cleaned the house ahead of her husband welcoming friends for a mid-week gettogether – but it appears things got out of hand (stock image)

In the post, which has since been deleted, Alison wrote: ‘Last night my husband had some work friends over for a BBQ and drinks. 

‘I worked today and I did all the prep work/cooking and cleaning so him and his friends could enjoy their time together. 

‘He ended up getting pretty drunk and threw up in our bathroom sink, left it and refused to clean it up when I asked him to.’

She explained that his refusals included ‘I don’t know what to do to clean it up’ and ‘I don’t have time to clean it because I have to work early.’ 

Adding context to the situation, she elaborated: ‘Little background on our situation, he works full time (pays 60 per cent of bills) and I work part time (40 per cent of bills). Therefore, I deal with all the domestic house duties.

‘Don’t get me wrong, I love my role in our home and I truly am happy to do it. However, it just feels like straight up disrespect. 

‘I was super upset after him feeding me excuse of why he can’t clean up his own vomit, he smelt horribly of liquor and was starting to raise his voice at me when he was explaining he couldn’t clean it because he “had to go to work to pay for all the things we want.”‘

Alison continued: ‘To be clear, we have our own individual bank accounts and he doesn’t pay for any of my personal bills or recreational purchases. 

Other users were quick to flood the post with comments – and they did not hold back as the majority agreed that she was ‘Not The A**Hole’ 

‘After his exudes of why not to clean it up, I didn’t engage or continue with the argument because when you’re sober, there’s no reasoning with a drunk person so I had asked him to sleep in the spare room.’ 

Turning to other users on the discussion forum for advice, she wrote: ‘Now I just feel guilty, so tell it to me straight, am I the a**hole in the situation?’

Elsewhere, Alison clarified that her husband works 70 hours per week whereas she works 24 hours a week as a nurse.


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Despite her shorter hours she believes ‘those six hour shifts are intense and emotionally taxing,’ but still does the household chores on her work days so she can fully enjoy her four days off.

When replying to Reddit comments Alison wrote that her husband ‘makes almost double’ her ‘monthly salary in one week.’

But, either way, other users were quick to flood the post with comments – and they did not hold back as the majority agreed that she was ‘Not The A**Hole.’

One person wrote: ‘Bruh even in a frat house people have to clean up their own puke. Your husband treats you with less respect than I treat my pledges.’

‘NTA. His throw-up, his cleanup. What he’s doing is emotional abuse. Simple as that,’ another commented.

A third chimed in: ‘”I don’t know how to clean it up…” ‘Bulls**t, this is weaponized incompetence if he continues this sober. Anything short of cleaning the hell out of it while apologizing profusely once he sobers up is a big problem. NTA.’

Other Reddit users told Alison that her husband was using ‘weaponized incompetence’ to attempt to get out of the situation of cleaning his vomit after himself 

Following the support, Alison claimed to have had a revelation about her surplus of house chores thanks to Reddit users.

She responded: ‘Lots of these comments were really constructive on the division of paying bills and its something I really considered today and will be changing.’

After the dispute, the couple stated to ‘communicate via text’ while Alison was at work. 

She asked to discuss the previous night, to which he replied: ‘I don’t remember what I said but I can tell you’re mad about something.’ 

Alison did not respond to her husband’s text but explained that she was ‘happy’ when she ‘came home from work and the sink was clean.’

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