I'm 22-year-old woman and I spend one hour wiping after I poop

I’m a 22-year-old woman and I spend an HOUR wiping after I poop – I know it’s disgusting but I don’t know how to stop

  • An unnamed woman has revealed she wipes for an hour after pooping
  • The 22-year-old took to Reddit to admit that she travels with a bidet and wipes
  • However, she never feels clean enough  

A woman has revealed she spends an hour wiping after she poops because she suffers from ‘endless wipe syndrome’ and is ‘anxious’ when it comes to defecating.

The unnamed 22-year-old took to Reddit to share that she spent an extreme amount of time in the bathroom so she could make sure she was squeaky clean. 

She confessed to being ‘stuck in a cubicle wiping for 50 minutes’ and although she aggressively tried to clean her butt, she never felt like it was enough. 

The Redditor admitted that she had begun carrying around wet wipes and a travel-sized bidet, but still spent a large chunk of time in the bathroom.


A woman has revealed she spends an hour wiping after she poops because she suffers from ‘endless wipe syndrome’ 

In the beginning of the post, the anonymous woman, who shared her confession in the True Off My Chest subreddit said: ‘I feel like my anxiety regarding pooping has made my life miserable.’

She added: ‘For some reason, whenever I don’t use a bidet to wash my butt I suffer from endless wipe syndrome – as in, without a bidet, it takes literally 40 minutes to one hour of consistent wiping for the toilet paper to come back clean. 

‘After the initial few wipes the toilet paper will come back with a thin brown line (aka the brown crayon) for the next 30+ minutes. I don’t understand how that’s even possible. 

‘And before anyone asks, yes I do use wet wipes. And yes, even with the wet wipes I’m still stuck in the toilet.’

The anxious pooper noted that at home she had a bidet – a bowl made to be sat on to wash your genitalia, perineum, inner buttocks, and anus – however, when she was forced to live in a dorm and share a bathroom with others, she felt horrible about ‘spending almost one hour pooping.’

She added: ‘I later bought an electric travel bidet, which I still use whenever I have to travel. For those of you unfamiliar with those things, basically you’ll fill the water tank up at a faucet before you go, and usually people can get their a** clean with one tank’s worth of washes. 

‘Not me though. Even with the travel bidet I have to refill it for what feels like ten times before my wet wipes will come back squeaky clean.

‘Again I don’t know how it’s even possible – is my a** just built different? This is going to sound silly, but my issue with pooping and wiping has caused me so much pain that I resorted to self-harm multiple times, and even considered suicide at some point.’ 

She confessed to being ‘stuck in a cubicle wiping for 50 minutes,’ and although she aggressively tried to clean her butt, she never felt like it was enough (stock image)

She explained that she had always found the thought of contamination ‘really gross’, and it had now caused her to take ‘extreme measures to get clean after pooping.’ 

The unnamed woman added: ‘I’ll first wash with the bidet for around 20 minutes, wipe with a wet wipe, wash again if there is even the tiniest hint of yellow stuff on the wipe, wipe a few times more until the wet wipes consistently comes back looking absolutely clean. 

‘Afterwards I’ll need to wipe my entire butt and take a shower.’ 

She noted that she had been seeing a psychiatrist and a psychologist as well as taking medication for her mental health.

However, she found it difficult to open up to anyone about her wiping habits because she feared they would find her ‘disgusting.’ 

In the post, the frightened pooper also opened up about how her constant wiping affected her travel plans.

She explained: ‘I also live in a region where bidets are not that common so travelling makes me really, really anxious. In fact, I’m going to be staying at a friend’s house for the next few days, but I’ve been anxious as hell about the prospect of pooping. 

‘Yeah sure I’ll have my travel bidet/wet wipes with me, but I’m scared that my friend will notice me bringing those things with me when I go to poop and and be grossed out by the fact that I spend what feels like a million years washing and cleaning myself in the toilet.’

People on the social media platform flooded the comments section, with many of them offering their advice to the woman with the fear of pooping

At the end of the post she confessed to feeling like a ‘disgusting human being.’

People on the social media platform flooded the comments section, with many of them offering their advice to the woman with the fear of pooping. 

One person said: ‘Looks like your pelvic floor is too tense, you need to prop up your knees as if you were squatting and blow gently while pushing.

‘Also, a pelvic floor therapist might be able to help you.’

Someone else wrote: ‘How about some booty wipes to use when you’re away from home. Don’t flush them by the way they’re horrible for your pipes! Or maybe some more fiber in your diet. Good luck.’ 

‘This is going to sound weird, but it’s something I learned from watching my toddler use the toilet. He straddled the seat to go poo, and when he hopped off, there was zero poop on his bottom for me to clean. So I suggest straddling the toilet and see if you fare better,’ one social media user commented.

‘You should record your self next time. And after watch the whole thing. Might seem a bit ridiculous,’ another user added.

Others took the post as a joke and claimed they were laughing while reading it

Someone else said: ‘I’ve got pretty bad IBS and it usually takes me 15 minutes in the bathroom, but that’s because I’m not done pooping after the “first wave” so I’ll chill out and wait just so I don’t wipe too early then immediately need a shit again. 

‘I’ve noticed that increasing my intake of fiber and fruits and only eating breakfast and an evening meal has drastically reduced my IBS bloating and need to go to the toilet three a day. Plus using wipes cuts down on wiping as does avoiding fatty foods. Hope this helps.’

Others took the post as a joke. 

‘That’s what I’m thinking. She’s got to be walking around with some major Taco Bell heat all the time,’ one person wrote.

Someone else added:  ‘I am sorry but I was laughing this whole post.’

According to Healthline, if you feel like you need to constantly wipe your butt after pooping, you may have an underlying health condition such as an anal gland infection, bowel leakage, or hemorrhoids. 

You may also be consistently wiping because you haven’t completed pooping and are wiping in between bowel movements.

Using a roll of toilet paper every time you poop? You may have one of these health conditions

  • Anal abscess or fistula: An infection that causes pain, redness, and drainage in the rectal area. The drainage may be blood, pus, or stool
  • Anal skin tags: Skin growth that can develop from friction or inflammation, common causes include chronic diarrhea and constipation 
  • Bowel leakage: When you have a difficult time holding in a bowel, so you may leak stool or pass gas often 
  • Anal itching: When your anus is irritated from excessive cleaning, harsh soaps, and sweat

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